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Low budget marketing solutions to reach Generation x, y and z.



Teams of NoBrainerz will distributing lanyards at Festivals and in cities at the weekend.


They will be distributing a Branded Lanyard – hanging from the Lanyard will be 8 x A7 Laminated cards.


Each card will be for a different customer or a block booking can Brand the lanyard free of charge.


If a label has 8 bands on the bill at a festival this would be the ideal way to promote each act, releases and stage times etc - to the festival goers.  If someone books out the entire distribution at a single event, we would even brand the lanyard with their logo - rather than the generic NoBrainerz lanyard.


But individually we can have 8 separate bands promoted this way at the same time - each client only paying a small fee with priority spots on the front and back of the lanyards.


Bottom Line – at the moment if a client wants to go and buy 10,000 branded lanyards (without the costs for cards to hang from it, the distribution etc).  It will cost them £0.32 PER LANYARD for 10,000, so £3,200.



BEST CASE SCENARIO - If we fill all 8 spots on 10,000 (NoBrainerz) Lanyards and attached 8 separate cards, the cost to each client including all print, collation, despatch AND distribution will be £750!  That’s just £0.075 per LANYARD.


OUR TEAMS are known as the No Brainerz. Ned and Nelly NoBrainer. 

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